Today this is going to be a review on Napoleon Perdis "Party Set".
This was requested by a couple of followers recently and i wanted to get right on it and review this as soon as i can.
This was requested by a couple of followers recently and i wanted to get right on it and review this as soon as i can.
Napoleon Perdis is a very nice brand and i am a fan of their sets. The "Party Set" comes with 18 eyeshadows, 4 blushes, 4 lipglosses and 3 brushes.
All of the eyeshadow colours are very pigmented but they seem to do this flaking thing. However, they do not crease or fade. Lipglosses are very pigmented but i reccomend using a brush and not your finger as things can get a little messy. Blushes are amazing pigmented and very smooth, could almost pass for creme blushes but i know that they are not.
Eyeshadows: Beige, peach, sky blue, rose, boysenberry, plum, orchid, deep purple, olive, fluro green, deep green, sea blue, deep blue green, navy blue, silver, grey and black. Blushes: Peach, vibrant pink, misty pink, rosey pink. Lipglosses: Baby pink, deep pink, red, purple.
All of the Napoleon perdis sets have gorgeous packaging and this Party Set is no exception! The outside packaging is silver sequins sewn into netting on a glittery silver plastic. Inside it is the same glittery silver plastic with a super cute compartment for the lipgloss, brushes and mirror.
Retails from $40-$60. You can purchase Napoleon Perdis "Party Set" from the Napoleon Perdis in your mall. Or i know that Target, David Jones and Myer stock some Napoleon Perdis. If not then online is your next best option because you may get some really good deals on Ebay or a wholesaler website.
I recieved this as a present so i didn't exactly purchase it. But i would purchase myself another one if i ever ran out but i do not see myself ever running out! You get a lot of product for $40-$60 so i think that it is a very good deal. If you were comparing this to MAC prices, this set would cost you roughly $850. Therefore it i a great alternative to MAC.
Has anyone tried Napoleon Perdis before? Did you enjoy their products?
This time being the first time that i can comment on one of your reviews is very exciting. You would be a great salesman because you and your witt and charm just convinced me to buy this product.
It looks like a great set and you are very lucky to have it. its just that i dont think i would be able to afford it.
I dont like NP's foundations are theyre waaay to pink based for me, But I like their blushes, glosses and brushes :) x Id also like to try out their shimmers, theres a cute gift set at the moment with a few of them :) x
thanks for taking direction, especially toards my favourite brand!! I love napoleon perdis my nickname is jane perdis. even check my blog because a few months ago i blogged about np.
Glad that you are enjoying my blog. I am sure that if you save up your christmas money, you will be able to afford it. It is definatley worth the money and would be a great investment. How far along are you with your makeup collection?
I have a few giftcards for there so hopefully i will be using them soon. I will stay away from the foundations. Are their glosses better than MAC and what are their shimmers like?
Glad we have something in common. Thank you for the change in attitude.
JOrdy! You definitely need a commentbox :D ANyways, Ummm well see I dont really like MAC lipglosses cos theyre way too sticky for me!!! However I do love Napoleon glosses!! Theyre pretty affordable too, bout the same as MAC. But you should DEFINITELY try out Australis Mineral Inject Lipgloss In LAMBARDA (weird name i know!) Its like my new HG lipgloss, so moisturizing and its a gorgeous pink colour :) But it isnt like a OTT pigment wise, so its pretty sheer...But its so good! Its only $10 so you should give it a go :) Oh and if you use Pressed Powders, Id recommend Napoleon Camera Finish Powder Foundation, its the only item of their foundation range that I like :)
I'm with Lorien, i'm not a fan of the foundations. But i don't mind everything else, i especially love the lip glosses. I've got like 7 of them, i really should do a review hey!?
Thanks for the review, i love your no nonsense straight to the point attitude & the swatches were great.
so pretty! i really like the packaging of this for some reason... i know it's nothing too crazy but it's really eye catching. great review, too :)
HAHA yer i just installed one, i had been thinking about it for a while :)
MAC lipgloss is pretty sticky and i have been looking for a go-to lipgloss so Lambarda may be it. I think i have a target that stocks them so i will def give it a go.
They have sooo much but to me their foundation range seems a little dodgy with foundation names being called "look one" and "look two". Especially when it is a little more expensive than MAC at times. Thanks for your help :)
Oops sorry. I forgot to post a picture of the front. The front is actually really crazy with pretty silver sequins everywhere. But you are right, its really simple but nice inside.
You can see it here
I think i may stay away from the NP foundations in that case. Yes please i would love a review on the NP lipglosses :) Could you please do one if you get around to it :)
Thanks Hayley
i think i may just ask for money for christmas then save it up for a mac item or something
my collection is growing
i now have about 9 makeup items
no i have not tried napoleon perdis before but i hear that it is very very expensive. even more so than mac. but i do hear that it is worth it and you get what you pay for.
No problem. i kinda like you now that you have started talking about napoleon perdis.
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