Aviator Sunglasses (RRP $19.95)
I have always wanted some Aviators but every time I am close to purchasing myself a pair, I question if they suit me and in all cases have not gone through with buying them. This is why it was such a pleasant surprise to receive this in my box, it's such a useful item that I was actually interested in trying out. In a turn of events it actually turns out that I love these sunnies and they match me very nicely, making for a perfect yet practical summer accessory.
ModelCo Colourbox Eye Shadow (RRP $28)
Recently I Have fallen in love with a ModelCo tanner so was interested in this product when I saw it in my box. I have tried a couple of ModelCo items in the past, mainly being magazine gift with purchases or somehow collected along the way. I was also extremely happy with the colour I received in St. Tropez because it looks like the perfect crease colour for a really natural look.
Statement Cuff (RRP $24.95)
This is definitely my style because I love monochromatic and gold cuffs, this brought the best of both worlds together. An extremely versatile piece that works well casual with a plain white playsuit or more fancy with a little black dress. This is definitely a statement piece that pulls together any sort of outfit very nicely.
Pure Unrefined Shea Butter (RRP $9.99)
Summer is the season my skin gets most dry mainly because of fake tanning but also laying out in the sun also takes it's toll on the moisture of your skin. I am really excited to give this product a go and see how well it moisturises my skin.
Duri Nail Polishes in "Black Diamond" and "Voodoo" (RRP $18 each)
Two very contrasting nail polish shades; a plain black and a hot pink. I can particularly see myself getting a lot of use out of the hot pink this summer and that the black will come in handy when the cooler weather rolls around again.
XO Necklace (RRP $12.95)
I love little petite necklaces such as this with lots of intricate details and petite designs so this is a great basic piece to wear on it's own or even to layer with.
So that was everything that was included in this month's FAB Box, I have to say that I really enjoyed a lot of the products and think it's a great box but there's roo for improvement. Order your very own for next month by clicking HERE.
Thanks for reading ♥

I got this month's box as well and thought it was cute, but not sure if it's worth the money! I think there is a lot of room for improvement though, and considering they just started out it's a good effort!
I completely agree! According to the RRP it's valued at something like $150 but honestly I think that's overstating a bit and there's definitely room for improvement :)
what an amazing box!!
Love the look of those Aviators x
Beautyqueenuk xx
Hi Jordy, big fan of your You Tube channel and have recently started reading your blog, love it! If you are interested, I have just started a blog too (no follows though haha its two days old). Just dropping by with some appreciation :)
Hey Lovely! I shall be in Brissy for a couple of days. Then off to the GC. Heading there this friday. Give me a shout if you're in the city area. x
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