Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Beauty And Fashion Bucket List: Are Some Of These On Yours?

We all have a bucket list don’t we. Whether it is a thirty before turning thirty, destinations and travel experiences, or just your aspirations and dreams, we all strive to achieve them at some point. But what many people don’t consider, or perhaps don’t spend as much time on, is a beauty bucket list. All the things you want to see and experience in the beauty world. Which is why I thought I would share with you some of the most popular ones. Perhaps you will find yourself adding them to yours. If they aren’t on there already.


Visit the fashion and beauty capital of the world

As much as Australia has a lot to offer for fashion and beauty you can’t help but dream about those European fashion and beauty capitals. However the place that holds the accolade of being the fashion capital of the world is, in fact, London. Followed by Paris and then Milan. Not forgetting New York. All of which are worthy locations to visit that is for sure. London, however, is a place that everyone who has an interest in fashion and beauty should visit. The London fashion industry is booming and with the likes of Alexander McQueen and Burberry being UK brands, it’s easy to see why.

London has a lot to offer for a vacation. There is, of course, the many sights like Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and Madame Tussauds to name a few. But you also have the famous Oxford Road lined with designer and high street brands. A womans shopping paradise. Not only does this work for the experience of fashion and beauty, but it could tick off the destination as well.


Consider some facial enhancements

Perhaps there is something about your looks that you want to change, or maybe you just want to banish the signs of ageing. Whatever it may be you may find that some facial enhancements get placed on your bucket list. While not necessarily an achievement, and of course it could be a painful experience. The way you see yourself could just make it all worthwhile. Improving yourself can boost confidence and self esteem which may go towards improving your quality of life. So don’t feel down or guilty if something like this is on your bucket list. There is nothing wrong with a little self improvement.

There are plenty of options you could consider, from facials to botox, they all have their own benefits. You can find out more about services from Dr. David Halpern online. However you decide to get it make sure it’s a decision for you and nobody else.


To look at yourself and be completely happy with what you see

It can feel like one of the hardest things to achieve. But to get to a stage in your life that you are completely happy with yourself is something worthy of being added to your bucket list. Whether you get there by making enhancements and changes, or just feeling content with yourself, it is something to aim for.

A lot of how we look and feel is in our mind; we can be so focused on the negative aspects and fail to see our true beauty and unique style. We are all different after all. Being fashion and beauty conscious makes us even more aware of how we look. We can forever give ourselves a hard time over how we look. But what it all boils down to is how we feel about ourselves. So if nothing else is added to your list make sure this does. Make it your mission to feel content with yourself when you look in the mirror. The minute that happens watch your confidence rise and your attitude to life change. Once you lose that pressure, anything is possible.


Have a makeover by a top beauty brand

I think we all have a “go to” brand. I enjoy using L’Oreal products. So it’s a dream to have a full makeover done by the makeup brand of your choice. Those makeup artists know exactly how to make the best of your features, and you get to learn a few things to. I have recently reviewed a few products of theirs on my blog.

Create the perfect winged eyeliner

One eye always goes perfectly; the other never seems to match. It’s the common eyeliner tale. So I think many beauty conscious women would strive to achieve the perfect winged eyeliner look in their lifetime. Or at least figure out how to get each eye to match. It can be the perfect makeup choice to compliment a neutral or smokey eye effect. If you are wanting to master this fantastic technique then heading over to websites like YouTube is a good place to start.


Find your signature scent

Perfume. It can feel like a bit of a treat. Wandering through the perfume section trying different scents. We all tend to have our favourites. But do we have our scent? Sometimes it takes a lifetime to find that one perfume that just works for you. That doesn’t overpower you, that stays applied, and that suits your personality. When you find it, hold on to it.

Master highlighting and contouring makeup techniques

Since Kim Kardashian bounced on to the scene we have heard lots about contouring and highlighting. The makeup technique has took the internet by storm with many tutorials claiming to tell you the tricks of the trade. What this technique does is highlights your facial features and accentuates your cheekbones. It’s quite a natural look to achieve, even though there is many products involved.


Get the perfect brows

It wouldn't surprise me if many of you beauty lovers want the perfect brows. Again similar to perfecting eyeliner, your eyebrows can look a little mismatched when not done correctly.  Once you find a place and product that suits stick with it. It’s hard to get the perfect shape.  Plucking is hard work. Stick with waxing and other options like threading.

I hope this has inspired you to consider what is on your bucket list when it comes to fashion and beauty. We all have dreams, don’t we? But who says a bucket list has to be just about travel destinations or experiences. Feeling content with yourself and how you look is a powerful tool. One all women should strive for.

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