Hi, On Saturday i went shopping and i got a lot of really exciting things.
Firstly i went to Myer
I got the Clinique 3 Step Skincare System which consists of..

Step 1-Cleansing foam

Step 2-Clarifying lotion

Step 3-Clearing moisturiser
The whole set was $117

Then i went to the MAC counter

Brush cleanser $20

Studio Sculpt concealer in NC20 (but i am NC25-NC30)
You should always get your concealer in a lighter shade

MAC eyeshadow in "Clarity"
Then to BIG W

I got these really cute heels
And that is my haul
Please feel free to request reviews on any items
Or to tell me if you have any of these items and what you think of them? (Should i watch out for anything?)
MY GOD look at all thats mac and clinique!!
how do you manage to get all of this money?
i think you should have gotten the concealer in NC25 just so its not too light for you
oh n i think you should have gotten the concealer in NC25 just so its not 2 light 4 u
is it too light 4 u cuz u said u were an NC30 and thats a big jump
ummmm pretty sure that the Clinique 3 step looks totally different to that..
@Mac Princess
I have 3 jobs...oh and i am an NC20 in winter but an NC30 in summer so the lady matched me with an NC25 concealer but they don't actually make NC25 studio sculpt concealer soooo i went with the lighter one :)
@Hannah K
Yes it does look different
thats because it is the anti-blemish one, i really really wanted it and although the lady said that my skin isnt bad enough i got it.
LOL i'm like that-i just hope it isn't too rough.
@Jane Williams
awwwww why did you remove your comment?
Because i wrote something quite mean and felt bad afterwards.
i will try and put it nicely this time
i dont think you should be spending this much money of self absorbed items like makeup.
don't you care about the starving kids in africa and the children with no electricity in uganda?
you should donate this money to charity!!
oh okay well i'm glad it didn't reach my eyes because i saw what you wrote on VanityMakeup's blog a few weeks ago and it wasn't very nice.
LOL we are like having a conversation because your on at the same time as me :)
I would just like to say that you don't know me!
Firslty, i work really hard for my money and i don't waste it because spending money on beauty products makes me happy.
Secondly, i eat everything that is put onto my plate and always turn lights of aroudn my house
and thirdly, i support 3 children through Caritas Australia from Africa with my own money (even though it only a couple of dollars eat child per week)
I don't mean to be rude, but you really just don't know me and i don't think you should be judging me and making assumptions.
Jordy, great haul as usual! =) I'm glad beauty products make you happy, because they make me happy too! People should really learn to mind their own business and not judge others by what they buy. All of us are different and have different opinions about things, but that doesn't give us the right to judge someone.
I hope you have a great week!
I love the haul! :D
It's great that you donate a couple of dollars a week to those children. It may not be much, but they really appreciate it and I should know, I've seen it before.
I remember when I was 10 and I went to Philippines - we were driving back home from the airport and in Manila (the capital), at every traffic light we had to stop at there were starving families tapping on my window asking for some money. It was so sad.
Ever since I was that young, I was happy to save up a bit of my money for charities.
Hi Jen
Thanks and your right, everyone should just go and do what makes them happy and they shouldnt have to worry about being judged.
I had a wonderful weekend, how was yours?
Oh my gosh that is horrible. I can't imagine being in a situation like that. WOW that you so much for sharing :)
CUte haul!! Would love a review on the clinique 3 step.. Is it drying???? Have you used the MAC brush cleaner before??? Im definitely not a fan of it.. Theres much better cheaper solutions.. LIke baby shampoo :) Lol x
@Lorein BeautyLove
There will definitely be a review on the Clinique skincare. So far it isn't drying. I guess the face wash is a little but not the toner and the moisturiser makes up for that.
I have no used MAC brush cleaner before so i just thought i would try it out. I know there are cheaper solutions but when your a MAC junkie you just wanna try things out. :)
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