Wednesday, August 2, 2017

My Home Pilates Routine - Quick, Simple and Effective
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It takes a lot to get me into a gym, especially first thing in the morning. But if it's for  Pilates I'm easily convinced because it really sets the tone for the entire day.

I have a personal goal with myself to exercise a minimum of 4 times a week and I often find that busy evenings mean I skip my workout. So I like to go first thing in the morning to get it done and out of the way. I also happen to love Pilates (not so much a fan of cardio these days) so I actually find myself looking forward to it.

I do take Hot Pilates classes once or twice a week but in between my other two workouts are my at home Pilates routine.

Pilates has numerous overall health benefits; both physical and mental. These include;
- Puts mind in a relaxing state. Helps calm over thinking and anxiety.
- Amazing for stretching out the body and realigning energy.
- Deep breathing during Pilates calms heart rate and relaxes body and mind.
- Tones the body and adds muscle definition.
Now let's get into the routine...

Pilates is kind of like circuit training done very slowly and with breathing techniques so it tones your body but isn't strenuous and doesn't feel like intense stressful exercise despite how hard you are working. I don't usually time myself but I would say it takes me about half an hour to complete my routine. Also please note I'm using Pilates terminology but these moves can be easily googled to get a good understanding of what the move entails.
I like to start out with lots of stretching to warm up the body. My favourites are;
- Downward dog (stretching out the legs)
- Cat Cows (activating the core)
- Cobra (stretching out the core and arms)
- Happy Baby (stretching the hips)
- Childs pose (lengthens arms and back)

Each fo the following exercises are done with deep breathing for a few minutes
- Squats
- Lunges
- Clam and leg lifts

Legs are at tabletop position
- Side oblique sit ups
- Slow moving regular sit ups
- Planks
- Standing up leg holds for balance
- Side planks
- Push up holds
- Push up dips
- Alternating push ups and cobra
I really listen to my body and do what I feel like in the moment but I do make sure I get an all over body workout so that each of my muscles get some attention. Whatever works for you is exactly what you should do. I definitely recommend going to a few classes first if you've never done Pilates before prior to doing a home routine because the classes teach you how to properly hold each move.

You can get my health and fitness eBooks here

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