Monday, March 19, 2018

Behind The Desk March - Bikram Yoga, Aladin Musical, Gallery Hopping, Fun Runs, Teeth Whitening and Sneaky Wines

I thought that March had been a quiet month but it was only when I started thinking about everything I had done this month in preparation for the BTD that I realised... it’s been a pretty hectic month!

I completed a fun run, picked up the new hobby of cooking, started Bikram Yoga, attended the Mind Body Spirit Festival and played tourist in my own city going to the museums and art galleries. Needless to say I’ve been keeping busy with work, JDC Marketing and University throughout the week but making full use of my weekends.

Breast Cancer Fun Run
So let’s start with the Breast Cancer Fun Run which I did as part of a team with my sister and boyfriend. Together we raised almost $450 going straight to support of breast cancer patients and research! It was an awesome day with great energy and such an incredible cause. I would love to do more things like this.

Aladin Musical
Josh and I went and saw Aladin this Friday just gone. It was a really impressive musical that I would highly recommend checking it out. A really good mix of the traditional story with a modern twist and a hint of humour. The genie was definitely my favourite character. We popped into Popolo at South Bank for dinner because we had never tried it before and 10/10 would recommend for all your pizza, pasta and Italian needs.

Cooking hobby
This year I told myself that I wanted to spend more time in the kitchen and challenge myself to harder recipes, trying new things and learning to make things I otherwise didn’t know how. So far I’ve done pretty well and made some seriously good food – both sweet and savoury. I do have a super secret personal Pinterest where I have been uploading pictures of the final recipe compared with the inspiration picture (I kind of want it to be just for me but if you want access, shoot me a message and I’ll give you the link).

It’s been a great way of showing my progress and upgraded skill levels in the kitchen. Like I’ve always thought I can’t bake and suck at desserts but your homegirl made Milo Tim Tam Fudge AND Peanut Butter filled Chocolate Cupcakes.

In the savoury department I’ve been making a heap of quinoa dishes, lamb shanks, beef stroganoff, curries, shepherds pie, quiche, pesto pastas and much more. I meal prep something every week but I also try and make some nice dinners on the weekend so I can spend some more time in the kitchen. It’s a fun, delicious and rewarding hobby that I have been loving!

Bikram Yoga
Speaking of hobbies, I’ve also recently swapped from Pilates to Bikram Yoga which is actually very very different from anything I’ve done before. I’m used to the Bonfire Yoga because I always did Hot Pilates but the poses and feel of the class is very different. This is more about intention and holding a difficult pose for a short period of time. My previous classes were still very much focussed on doing a certain amount of sit ups or lunges whereas this is just about holding a pose. I’ve loved switching up the pace and getting my ass to a class after work each day. The mental clarity has been the biggest benefit for me, it’s like an extended meditation but also focussing on learning each new pose has been a great test.

Mind Body Spirit Festival
Along the same lines as yoga, I attended the Mind Body Spirit Festival when it came through Brisbane and emptied my wallet there. I felt like I was in heaven, surrounded by crystals, tarot cards, healthy teas and superfood stalls. Totally my kind of hangout. I dragged my friend Katherine there with me and we had an absolute ball, drinking healthy chilli hot chocolate and learning something new from each stall. It was a very mind expanding and great spiritual experience. I walked away with a handful of crystals, some tarot cards I’ve been loving and some burning sage to bring new energy to my space.

Museum / Gallery Hopping
Another goal for 2018 was to open myself up to different artforms so the art gallery and gallery of modern art seemed like a good place to expand my horizons. My sister and I spent an afternoon museum / gallery hopping and playing tourist in our own city. First stop was the Brisbane Art Gallery (my favourite) where was saw some incredible interesting paintings. Seriously, if you live in Brisbane and haven’t been you need to check it out. Popping into Charming Squire for lunch and a sneaky wine before heading to GOMA (Gallery of Modern Art) and then finally the Museum (actually a really cool place. Hadn’t been there since high school but again…would highly recommend. I learnt a lot…about animals, crystals and history…pretty impressive.

Teeth Whitening
I worked with Pure Smile this month with a teeth whitening treatment at the gorgeous Medispa at Teneriffe in Brisbane. We managed to get my teeth to the whitest shade possible which was awesome and I have been loving my pearly whites. It consists of a 90 minute treatment, three 20 minute rounds of teeth whitening gel under a UV light. My technician was the best you could ever ask for, making sure I was comfortable throughout the entire experience.

Random side note – I also had my eyelashes tinted for the first time in my life when I was at the salon last weekend and what the hell why haven’t I tried this sooner?! They used the blue/black so the blue in my eyes really popped and as someone with naturally light eyelashes…it made a world of difference. So cool! I’ll definitely be doing it again.

Some of my favourite blog posts that went up this month were definitely.
Is Uni Necessary? (Co-written by Josh)
Items Boss Babes Carry With Them

So that’s what I have been up to! Just chilling, enjoying life.

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