We have all done it at least once. Woke up with the realisation that you forgot to wash your hair the night before and face the dilemma of quickly hopping in the shower but being late or heading out with a bad hair day.
Dry shampoo has saved me in this instance more times than I can count on my fingers. A few quick spritz into the roots is all that’s needed to revive, cleanse and volumise your crown with the bad hair day well out of sight. Since dry shampoo is one of my Holy Grail products, I have tried my fair share of brands and I’m here to share with you my three favourites.
Toni and Guy
I gasped at the idea of spending more than a tenner on dry shampoo but thought, as a dry shampoo enthusiast, it was my duty to give it a go. Thankfully the price tag paid off with a beautiful fine mist that is a three in one. It not only cleanses hair but also ads texture and volume, perfect to combine with backcombing to create big hair looks. The other great thing about this product is that the tube contains 250ml of product and that is definitely a significant amount so it was last quite a while. This product is most affordable at Chemist Warehouse for $13.39 or if a Priceline is more convenient for you it’s only a couple of dollars more at $15.99.
Cedel Dry Shampoo
Its cute size makes it portable and perfect for travelling with. Sometimes I even chuck this baby in my purse to refresh throughout the day. An added benefit is the lovely scent that lingers and makes your hair smell good enough to eat (but nevertheless I don’t recommend snacking on it). Other products available in the range are; a dry shampoo specifically targeted towards dark hair, a conditioner and a blow dry faster formula. Get your hands on this product cheapest at Chemist Warehouse for $7.39 (100ml)
Girlz Only Dry Shampoo
At just $3 a can, you don’t expect much from this product but boy will you be surprised at just how much this one stands up with all the more expensive versions on the market. This stuff is cheap as chips (maybe even a little cheaper than that) so it’s great if you are on a budget or looking to cut costs within your beauty supplies. Safe to say this is a beauty bargain find and my absolute favourite product Target stock. Something to note is that these are a hit and miss so you may find a bottle doesn’t have as much product in it or even the gas system breaks down after the first couple of uses. I probably experience this once in every 7th bottle so it’s not too much of an issue, just something to keep in mind.
Next time you are strolling the hair aisles; look out for these three products because each are great in their own right and it might take some experimenting to see what works best for your hair type.
Thanks for reading!