Monday, January 4, 2016

Get Sky-High Body Confidence Using These Fabulous Self Esteem Fixes


Being confident usually starts with being happy with your appearance. Which for most women is easier said than done. 

There’s always a part of ourselves that we would like to change or improve upon. But we should be accepting our flaws and seeing them as beautiful rather than something to be ashamed of. If you’re struggling with body confidence and need a self-esteem boost, use these fixes to get you feeling happier in no time.

Stop Complaining
Complaining is something we all do, but it’s incredibly negative and detrimental. So quit complaining about the part of your body that you hate and think more positively instead. This could be accepting it for what it is or taking steps to changing what you don’t like. For instance, if you don’t like your teeth, consult with your dentist about getting braces or using a teeth whitening system. If you want to lose weight, research diet plans and personal trainers you could hire to help you reach your goals or look into the likes of ultherapy. You’ll soon realise that complaining was pointless, and you can put that time to much better use.

Say lovely things to yourself
To start each day in the best possible way, write down something you like about yourself. Or if you find this difficult, ask a trustworthy friend or relative to write them for you. Try to make them different each day. Store these in a jar or box and anytime you’re feeling down, you will have plenty of uplifting and positive notes to read. It will be difficult not to feel instantly more confident.

Stop Comparing yourself to others
We are all different in so many ways, which makes it impossible to compare ourselves to each other. But nevertheless, we all do it. It’s likely the person you compare yourself to also compares themselves to someone else and so on. So take charge, stop comparing and compliment instead. If you admire another person’s makeup, style or physique, don’t feel embarrassed to tell them. It will make you both feel good, and you’ll most likely get a compliment back in return. Remember that something that you might dislike about yourself, someone else might wish they had. So celebrate your unique qualities as they are what makes you, you.

Make time for yourself
Instead of spending time disliking what you see in the mirror, use this time to pamper yourself. Relaxing is good for the mind, body and soul so take an hour or so each week for a little you time. Get out your favourite skincare and bath products and take a long soak in the bath. This will give you a chance to reflect quietly on your day and make your skin feel fantastic. Meditation, writing and reading are other alternative ways you can relax.  Whatever works for you make sure you plan it into your schedule.

It will take some time to introduce some of these changes into your life, so be patient and stay focused. Your self-confidence will begin to increase and you’ll feel happier as a result.

This article has bee contributed by Beth Jones.