Saturday, November 11, 2017

The Perfect Self Care Sunday

I love using Sunday as a day to recharge my batteries and prepare myself for a busy week ahead of working and studying. I treat it like my preparation day where I get everything in order and giving myself a little TLC to get ready for what is always a demanding week ahead.

It's extremely important to holistically take care of your health whether that be making sure you mind is in the right place, you are up to date on your fitness routine or simply that you feel confident about yourself. In this article I'm going to be guiding you through what I consider a 'perfect self care Sunday' and I really hope you give it a try to see if it works for you.

Social Media Detox
Something worth trying on a Sunday is to completely disconnect from social media. Spend the time separate to your Instagram profile and focus on disengaging with online. It can be really grounding but very rewarding to focus on yourself and spending time in the moment rather than glued to your phone.

Sunday is the perfect day to take a look at your health over the past week and make sure you are on track. I do usually like to treat myself on the weekend to whatever I want to eat but if I ate terrible throughout the week I will make sure I prepare very healthy meals. Even if you have eaten perfectly, it's a fantastic idea to whip up an extremely healthy smoothie full of things like maca powder, fruits, chia seeds, coconut water, LSA meal and some superfood powders. Just as important as what you eat is how you move your body. If I have been lacking in the workout department that week I will make sure I get my butt to a Pilates class of do a gym session. If I have been pretty good with my workouts I will do something small like walk my little pupper, Puffin.

Get outside
Sunday's are perfect for showing yourself some care by getting outside and soaking up the vitamin D. If you are an office worker then you need to get a lot of fresh air on the weekend. It could be something as big as going on a hike or something more leisurely like strolling around the botanical gardens or taking a walk on the foreshore.

Get yourself prepared for the upcoming week by getting all those tasks done that you know you need to in order to have a smooth and seamless week. Meal prep so that you know exactly what you are taking for lunch and do the washing so all of your work dresses are good to go and you aren't struggling to figure out what you are wearing each morning. You might want to sit down with your planned for half an hour and schedule out your week so you know exactly what you are doing and where you are meant to be. This will clear your mind and set you up for success.

Pamper yourself
At the end of a Sunday I like to do a little self care routine that involves a relaxing bath with a Lush product. Maybe even a little bit of reading while I'm in the bath or I'll simply listen to music. Then I like putting on a face mask, soaking my hair in a treatment, doing a lip scrub, moisturizing, manicure, pedicure etc.

So those are what my self care Sunday's mainly consist of. I always feel recharged and ready to take on another big week after I spend a day tying up loose ends, preparing things in advance and showing myself some much needed self care.


custom writing service reviews said...

Your Sunday routine is so good,but honestly speaking these things are too time consuming, i don't know if they are worth it or not.

Sophie Grace said...
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